let, const, block scope, function scope and IIFEsDynamicPL/Javascript 2019. 10. 24. 15:05
1. Overview
Variables declared with var in ES5 are function-scoped and Variables declared with let and const in ES6 are block-scoped.
2. Description
2.1 Function-scoped
Variables, which declared var, are only accessible inside of a function, but not from the outside. And we would use a variable before the declaration, it would be an "undefined" cause of hoisting.
function driversLicence5(passedTest) { if (passedTest) { // firstName is set to undefined, but work console.log(firstName); var firstName = 'John'; var yearOfBirth = 1990; } console.log(firstName + ', born in ' + yearOfBirth + ', is now officially allowed to drive a car.'); } driversLicence5(true); var i = 23; // i isn't block-scoped variable, but same variable. for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { console.log(i); } // i is 5 console.log(i);
2.2 Block-scoped
Block is simply all the code that is wrapped between curly braces. So each time that we have an if statement or a for a block or a while block, we're actually creating a new block. Unlike variables declared by var, using variables declared by let or const doesn't work. This prevents something called the temporal-dead zone which basically just means that the variables are actually hoisted, but we still cannot access them before they are declared.
function driversLicence6(passedTest) { // using before declaration doesn't work in let and const //console.log(firstName); let firstName; const yearOfBirth = 1990; if (passedTest) { firstName = 'John'; } console.log(firstName + ', born in ' + yearOfBirth + ', is now officially allowed to drive a car.'); } driversLicence6(true); let i = 23; for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { // i is block-scoped so it doesn't be changed by above var i console.log(i); } // i is 23 console.log(i);
2.3 Data privacy
Block also gives us data privacy in a simple way instead of using IIEF.
// ES6 { const a = 1; let b = 2; var c = 3; } // this is not accessible from outside of block //console.log(a + b); console.log(c); // ES5 (function() { var c = 3; })(); //console.log(c);
3. References
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