Reactive ManifestoModeling/TheoremParadigm 2020. 7. 5. 18:31
1. Overview 1.1 Comparison Term Reactive Systems Reactive Programming Functional Reactive Programming(FRP) Description Architecture and Design Generally, Event-Based Often confused with Reactive Programming 1.2 Reactive Programming with Reactive Systems Reactive Programming is a useful implementation technique Reactive Programming focuses on non-blocking, asynchronous execution - a key of charac..
FluxModeling/DesignPattern 2020. 4. 11. 08:47
1. Overview Flux is a new application architecture from Facebook that promises the same as MVC, but with a different approach that focuses on unidirectional data flow. 2. MVC In MVC design good as separation of each layer, as view, model, controller, Though many of them has modified the actual principal, some came up with MVVM and MV* kind of architectures, but the focus was on MVC and that’s wh..
Model View Presenter (MVP)Modeling/DesignPattern 2020. 4. 10. 23:57
1. Overview 2. Description 2.1 Model In an application with good layered architecture, this model would only be the gateway to the domain layer or business logic. See it as the provider of the data we want to display in the view. Model’s responsibilities include using APIs, caching data, managing databases and so on. 2.2 View The View, usually implemented by an Activity, will contain a reference..
Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS)Modeling/Architecture 2020. 3. 10. 08:58
1. Overview The Command and Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern separates read and update operations for a data store. Implementing CQRS in your application can maximize its performance, scalability, and security. The flexibility created by migrating to CQRS allows a system to better evolve over time and prevents update commands from causing merge conflicts at the domain level. 1.1 M..
GraphQLModeling/Architecture 2020. 3. 8. 14:41
1. Overview GraphQL is an open-source data query and manipulation language for APIs, and a runtime for fulfilling queries with existing data. It allows clients to define the structure of the data required, and the same structure of the data is returned from the server, therefore preventing excessively large amounts of data from being returned, but this has implications for how effective web cach..
Representational state transfer (REST) APIModeling/Architecture 2020. 3. 8. 14:39
1. Overview Representational state transfer (REST) is a software architectural style that defines a set of constraints to be used for creating Web services. Web services that conform to the REST architectural style, called RESTful Web services, provide interoperability between computer systems on the Internet. RESTful Web services allow the requesting systems to access and manipulate textual rep..
MediatorModeling/DesignPattern 2020. 3. 1. 19:07
1. Overview Mediator encapsulates how a set of objects interact with each other. Due to this encapsulation, there is a loose coupling between the interacting objects. Typically an object explicitly knows about other objects to which it wants to interact i.e. to call a method. In mediator pattern this interaction is within the mediator object and interacting objects only know about the mediator o..
MementoModeling/DesignPattern 2020. 3. 1. 19:07
1. Overview When we want to store an object's state without exposing internal details about the state then we can use memento design pattern. The main intent behind saving state is often because we want to restore the object to a saved state Using memento we can ask an object to give its state as a single, sealed object and store it for later use. This object should not expose the state for modi..