KubernetesDevOps/Container 2019. 9. 5. 01:31
1. Overview Kubernetes is a system to deploy containerized apps. Nodes in Kubernetes are individual machines (or VM's) that run containers. Masters are machines (or VM's) with a set of programs to manage nodes. Kubernetes didn't build our images. It got them from somewhere else such as the docker hub. Kubernetes (the master) decided where to run each container. Each node can run a dissimilar set..
DockerDevOps/Container 2019. 9. 5. 01:30
1. Overview 1.1 Why use Docker It resolves environmental disparity and scalability. Docker makes it really easy to install and run software without worrying about setup or dependencies. It also scales up and down very quickly 1.2 What is Docker Docker is a platform or ecosystem around creating and running containers 1.3 Benefit of Docker 1.3.1 Return on Investment and Cost Savings The first adva..