LambdaCloud/AWS 2021. 3. 9. 09:46
1. Comparison between EC2 and Lambda 1.1 EC2 Virtual Servers in the Cloud Limited by RAM and CPU Continuously running Scaling means interventions to add/remove servers 1.2 Lambda Virtual functions - no servers to manage Limited by time - short executions Run on-demand Scaling is automated 2. Benefits of AWS Lambda 2.1 Easy Pricing Pay per request and compute time Free-tier of 1,000,000 AWS Lambd..
Database ScalingModeling/TheoremParadigm 2020. 2. 23. 20:50
1. Methods of Scaling 1.1 Vertical Scaling (Scale-up) In Vertical Scaling, we increase the CPU, RAM, and Storage or buy a more robust server in order to support more traffic and load on our database server. 1.2 Horizontal Scaling (Scale-out) In Horizontal Scaling we add more systems with the smaller configuration in terms of CPU, RAM and Storage to distribute the traffic or load across these sys..
MySQL ScalingDB/RDB 2020. 2. 23. 20:48
1. Overview By default, the MySQL can be scaled either using Vertical or Hybrid approaches but not fully Horizontal approach. 1.1 What is Scaling, Why and When to use In simple words, Scaling is making your database handle more traffic or load for reading and write queries 2. Master-Slave approach Generally, we tend to create a Master-Slave architecture and route all the write queries on the Mas..