Transaction ManagementFramework/SPRING 2019. 9. 17. 20:36
1. Overview
A database transaction is a sequence of actions that are treated as a single unit of work. These actions should either complete entirely or take no effect at all. Transaction management is an important part of RDBMS-oriented enterprise application to ensure data integrity and consistency.
2. Description
2.1 Core Concepts
The following four key properties are the core concept of a transaction, referred to ACID.
- Atomicity: A transaction should be treated as a single unit of operation
- Consistency: Consistency of the referential integrity of the database, unique primary keys in tables
- Isolation: Each transaction should be isolated from others to prevent data corruption
- Durability: The result of transaction has to be made permanent and cannot be erased from the database due to system failure
2.2 Ways of managing Transactions
Features Programmatic Transactions Declarative Transactions Coupling with Business Logic Tightly bound Loosely bound Clear Very clear Separated, so not clear Repetitive Very repetitive Just Declaration Maintenance Difficult Easy Flexibility More flexible Less flexible Crosscutting Concern Less modularized More modularized AOP No AOP-wised AOP-wised 2.3 Methods of Programmical Managing
Methods Description getTransaction Returns a currently active transaction or creates a new one, according to the specified propagation behavior. begin Begins a transaction commit Commits the given transaction, with regard to its status. rollback Performs a rollback of the given transaction. 2.4 Declarative managing using Transactional annotation
- Propagation Options Behavior
Features Descriptions REQUIRED Indicates that the target method cannot run without an active tx. If a tx has already been started before the invocation of this method, then it will continue in the same tx or a new tx would begin soon as this method is called.
REQURIED_NEW Indicates that a new tx has to start every time the target method is called. If already atxis going on, it will be suspended before starting a new one.
MANDATORY Indicates that the target method requires an active tx to be running. If a tx is not going on, it will fail by throwing an exception.
SUPPORTS Indicates that the target method can execute irrespective of a tx. If a tx is running, it will participate in the same tx. If executed without a tx it will still execute if no errors.
Methods which fetch data are the best candidates for this option.
NOT_SUPPORTED Indicates that the target method doesn’t require the transaction context to be propagated.
Mostly those methods which run in a transaction but perform in-memory operations are the best candidates for this option.
NEVER Indicates that the target method will raise an exception if executed in a transactional process.
This option is mostly not used in projects.
Nested methods execute in the firstly created transaction.
Nested methods executed in a new transaction and outer transaction is suspended.
2.5 Rollback options
Features Descriptions rollbackFor - Default is rollbackFor=RunTimeException.class
- In Spring, all API classes throw RuntimeException, which means if any method fails, the container will always rollback the ongoing transaction.
- The problem is only with checked exceptions. So this option can be used to declaratively rollback a transaction if Checked Exception occurs.
noRollbackFor - Indicates that a rollback should not be issued if the target method raises this exception.
2.6 Isolation Level
Features Description Possible limits Default Use the default isolation level of the underlying database READ_COMMITED Prevents dirty read Non-repeatable and Phantom reads READ_UNCOMMITTED May read data that is still uncommitted and changed by other transactions Dirty reads REPEATABLE_READ Prevents dirty and non-repeatable reads Phantom reads SERIALIZABLE Prevent dirty, non-repeatable, phantom reads No concurrent transactions 2.7 Terms of Isolation issues
Features Description Dirty Reads Transaction "A" writes a record. Meanwhile, Transaction "B" reads that same record before Transaction A commits. Later, Transaction A decides to rollback and now we have changes in Transaction B that are inconsistent. This is a dirty read. Transaction B was running in READ_UNCOMMITTED isolation level so it was able to read Transaction A changes before a commit occurred. Non-Repeatable Reads Transaction "A" reads some record. Then Transaction "B" writes that same record and commits. Later Transaction A reads that same record again and may get different values because Transaction B made changes to that record and committed. This is a non-repeatable read. Phantom Reads Transaction "A" reads a range of records. Meanwhile, Transaction "B" inserts a new record in the same range that Transaction A initially fetched and commits. Later Transaction A reads the same range again and will also get the record that Transaction B just inserted. This is a phantom read: a transaction fetched a range of records multiple times from the database and obtained different result sets (containing phantom records). 3. Examples
3.1 Programmatically Managing
EntityManagerFactory factory = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("PERSISTENCE_UNIT_NAME"); EntityManager entityManager = entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager(); Transaction transaction = entityManager.getTransaction() try { transaction.begin(); someBusinessCode(); transaction.commit(); } catch(Exception ex) { transaction.rollback(); throw ex; }
4. References
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