
  • Iterator
    Modeling/DesignPattern 2020. 2. 29. 19:01

    1. Overview

    • Iterator allows a way to access elements/children of an aggregate object in sequence while hiding the actual internal data structure used.
    • In Java language, iterators are an integral part of collection frameworks and they are implementations of this design pattern.
    • Iterators are stateful, meaning an iterator object remembers its position while iterating
    • Iterators can become out of sync if the underlying collection is changed while code is using iterator

    2. Description

    2.1 Implementation

    • Iterator has methods to check whether there is an element available in sequence and to get that element
    • Iterator is typically an inner class in our concrete aggregate. Making it an inner class makes it easy to access internal data structures
    • Concrete iterator needs to maintain state to tell its position in the collection of aggregate. If the inner collection changes, it can throw an exception to indicate an invalid state.

    2.2 Consideration

    2.2.1 Implementation

    • Detecting change to underlying data structure while some code is using an iterator is important to notify to the client because then our iterator may not work correctly
    • Having our iterator implementation as inner class makes it easy to access an internal collection of aggregate objects

    2.2.2 Design

    • Always prefer iterator interface so you can change the implementation without affecting client
    • Iterators have many applications where a collection is not directly used but we still want to give sequential access to information, for example, maybe for reading lines from a file, from the network.

    2.3 Pitfalls

    • Access to an index during iteration is not readily available like we have in a for loop
    • Making modifications to the collection while someone is using an iterator often makes that iterator instance invalid as its state may not be valid.

    3. Usage

    • The iterator classes in Java's collection framework
    • java.util.Scanner class
    • javax.xml.stream.XMLEventReader class

    4. Example

    //Iterator interface allowing to iterate over
    //values of an aggregate
    interface Iterator<T> {
        boolean hasNext();
        T next();
    //This enum represents the aggregate from iterator pattern
    enum ThemeColor {
        public static Iterator<ThemeColor> getIterator() {
            return new ThemeColorIterator();
        // banning access from outside
        private static class ThemeColorIterator implements Iterator<ThemeColor> {
            private int position;
            public boolean hasNext() {
                return position < ThemeColor.values().length;
            public ThemeColor next() {
                return ThemeColor.values()[position++];
    public class Client {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Iterator<ThemeColor> iter = ThemeColor.getIterator();
            while(iter.hasNext()) {

    5. Reference



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