Item-Item Collaborative FilteringMLAI/RecommendSystem 2022. 7. 12. 14:49
- The correlation between the column vectors is high
- If you like Power Rangers, you'll also like Transformers because users give them similar ratings
Power Rangers Transformers Ninja Turtles User 1 4.5 5 4 User 2 5 5 4.5 User 3 1 2 0.5 User 4 2 2 0.5 User-User Collaborative Filtering
- For user-user CF, I want to find "users like me"
- The movies that those users have seen, that I haven't seen, become my recommendations
- It's intuitive that if they are "like me", I would like movies they've rated highly
- Looks row-wise
- Each row is a vector
- 2 users are similar in their row vectors have a small distance between them
Item-Item Collaborative Filtering
- What if we looked column-wise instead?
- Let's find 2 products that are similar
- They are similar if their column vectors' distance is small
Item Correlation
$\Omega_{j}=users \ who \ rated \ item \ j$
$\Omega_{jj'}=users \ who \ rated \ item \ j \ and \ item \ j'$
$\bar{r}_{j}=average \ rating \ for \ item \ j$
Item Score
$\Psi= items \ user \ i \ has \ rated$
- Deviation: how much user i likes item j', compared to how much everyone else likes j' (IMO, not as intuitive as user-user CF)
- If user i really likes j' (more than other users do) and j is similar to j' ($w_{jj'}$ is high), then user i probably likes j too
- User-User CF: choose items for a user, because those items have been liked by similar users
- Item-Item CF: choose items for a user, because this user has liked similar items in the past
- By flipping the ratings matrix sideways, we can convert user-user CF algorithm into an item-item CF algorithm
- User-based and Item-based CF are mathematically identical
- Item-based CF is more accurate because more data to work with
Practical differences
- When comparing 2 items, you have a lot more data than when comparing 2 users
- Each user: up to ~ 20k items to look at
- Each item: up to 100k users to look at
- Thus for item-based CF, weights are calculated based on more data
- Item-based CF is faster
- Given a user, calculate scores for each item: $O(M^{2}N)
- There are $M^{2}$ item-item weights, and each vector is length N
- For user-based CF we saw $O(N^{2}M)$
- N >> M, so $N^{2}$ compared to $M^{2}$ is even worse
- Given a user, calculate scores for each item: $O(M^{2}N)
- Item-based CF is more accurate
- Item-based CF may be too accurate
- It's always suggesting similar products
- This leads to a lack of diversity in recommendations - the YouTube problem
- Worse MSE might be more desirable
The Cold-Start Problem
- We know that if we don't have enough data, we can't calculate correlations
- What if we don't have any data at all?
- Add a prior to the average
- The score can be a weighted sum of prediction + prior average
- No data at all -> rely solely on prior
- How to get prior? Scrape from the web or something else
Not necessarily movies/ratings
- user-item matrix doesn't have to be ratings at all
- Explicit feedback is sparse
- # of times user viewed a product
- Did they purchase?
- Hit like?
- Share on social media?
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