전체 글
Confidence IntervalStats/Inferential 2020. 1. 16. 00:00
1. Overview 2. Description 2.1 Confidence Interval A confidence interval is a range within which you expect the population parameter to be and its estimation is based on the data we have in our sample. when our confidence is lower the confidence interval itself is smaller. Similarly, for a 99 percent confidence interval, we would have higher confidence but a much larger confidence interval that'..
TerminologyStats 2020. 1. 15. 23:59
1. Overview 1.1 Estimate A specific value is called an estimate which is an approximation of population. 1.1.1 Point Estimates Single number 1.1.2 Confidence intervals Estimates A confidence interval naturally is an interval. In fact, the point estimate is located exactly in the middle of the confidence interval. However, confidence intervals provide much more information and are preferred when ..
Statistics and ProbabilityMath/Probability 2020. 1. 15. 22:12
1. Overview Statistics focuses predominantly on samples and incomplete data. Doing so brings some uncertainty to any of the results we reach. This uncertainty is what leads us to rely on some of the most important concepts of probability like expected values or prediction intervals. 2. Description 2.1 Relation Between Statistics and Probability In a way, probability lays the groundwork for stati..
Business Intelligence AnalysisStats/analysisAnalytics 2020. 1. 15. 11:19
1. Overview Business intelligence analysis requires data skills, business knowledge, and intuition. It explains past performance like below: What happened? What did it happen? How many units did we sell? In which region did we sell the most goods? 2. Description 2.1 Observation Observe sales volume, new customers, and etc. 2.2 Quantification The process of representing observations as numbers 2...
User ManagementDevOps/CommandLine 2020. 1. 13. 12:54
1. Overview User management includes everything from creating a user to deleting a user on your system. User management can be done in three ways on a Linux system. 2. Description 2.1 Local user database /etc/passwd It has seven columns separated by a colon demyank:x:1000:1000:demyank:/home/demyank:/bin/bash username, an x, user id, primary group id, a description, name of home directory and a l..
PermissionsDevOps/CommandLine 2020. 1. 13. 10:28
1. Overview chmod - modify file access rights su - temporarily become the superuser sudo - temporarily become the superuser chown - change file ownership chgrp - change a file's group ownership 2. Description 2.1 View permissions on a file [me@linuxbox me]$ ls -l /bin/bash -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 316848 Feb 27 2000 /bin/bash The file "/bin/bash" is owned by user "root" The superuser has the right..