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WebpackFramework/SPA 2020. 5. 25. 21:11
1. Overview Webpack is bundling and build an orchestration tool. 1.1 Motivation All js files are relatively small but we have a lot of HTTP requests. The problem with that can be seen if we have a look at that waterfall on chrome DevTools's network tab. Every HTTP request that needs to be made of course takes a little time. That's not an issue but every HTTP request has like a base overhead a ba..
Component ScanningFramework/SPRING 2020. 5. 23. 19:46
1. Overview With Spring, we use the @ComponentScan annotation along with @Configuration annotation to specify the packages that we want to be scanned. @ComponentScan without arguments tells Spring to scan the current package and all of its sub-packages. Note that the main application class is also a bean as it's annotated with @Configuration, which is a @Component. Also, note that the main appli..
Comparison between Field, Setter, and Constructor InjectionFramework/SPRING 2020. 5. 23. 12:01
1. Overview In the Spring Framework, the Dependency Injection comes in three types. Those are Field Injection, Setter Injection, and Constructor Injection. You can absolutely use any of them and they result in exactly the same outcome. However, based on ease, readability, coding standards, or better coding practices there are few differences. Before we jump into see what those differences are, v..
Bean Definition OverridingFramework/SPRING 2020. 5. 23. 11:50
1. Overview Bean with the same name as another one, which is processed later, overrides the older one, but it’s not clear at all which one will be processed later. The mechanism which caused us so much confusion is called bean overriding. It is used when Spring encounters a declaration of a bean with the same name as another bean already existing in the context. 2. Example 2.1 Example 1 @SpringB..
Difference between Apache and NginxDevOps/MIddleware 2020. 5. 14. 12:24
1. Overview Both Apache and Nginx are open-source high-performance web servers capable of handling diverse workloads to satisfy the needs of modern web demands. They are conceptually close to each other but are close rivals in the web server business. Apache has been the leader in the web server ecosystem for 20 years and is much more popular, however, Nginx is not without its fair share of adva..
Message BrokerDistributedSystem/Streaming 2020. 5. 3. 14:59
1. Overview Message Broker is intermediary software that is also called middleware that passes messages between senders and receivers. It may provide additional capabilities like Data transformation, Validation, Queuing, and Routing. And most importantly it provides full decoupling between senders and receivers. 1.1 Motivation 1.1.1 Synchronous Network Communication One of the properties of dire..
HAProxyDevOps/MIddleware 2020. 5. 3. 01:41
1. Overview HAProxy is a reliable and high-performance load balancer that can operate on the TCP and HTTP networking layers it's a very popular free and open-source software load balancer that powers many distributed systems web applications and websites and is considered to be almost a standard for load balancers in the industry. It is actually very easy to set up but despite its simplicity and..
Stored ProcedureDB/RDB 2020. 4. 11. 22:14
1. Overview A stored procedure is a prepared SQL code that you can save, so the code can be reused over and over again. So if you have an SQL query that you write over and over again, save it as a stored procedure, and then just call it to execute it. You can also pass parameters to a stored procedure so that the stored procedure can act based on the parameter value(s) that is passed. 1.1 Define..