Non-blocking, Lock-free operationsStaticPL/JAVA 2020. 2. 27. 17:50
1. Overview
In computer science, an algorithm is called non-blocking if failure or suspension of any thread cannot cause failure or suspension of another thread; for some operations, these algorithms provide a useful alternative to traditional blocking implementations. A non-blocking algorithm is lock-free if there is guaranteed system-wide progress, and wait-free if there is also guaranteed per-thread progress.
1.1 DealLocks
- Deadlocks are generally unrecoverable
- Can bring the application to a complete halt
- The more locks in the application, the higher the chances for a deadlock
1.2 Slow Critical Section
- Multiple threads using the same lock
- One thread holds the lock for very long
- That thread will slow down all the other threads
- All threads become as slow as the slowest thread
1.3 Priority Inversion
- Two threads sharing a lock
- Low priority thread (document server)
- Hight priority thread (UI)
- Low priority thread acquires the lock and is preempted (scheduled out)
- High priority thread cannot progress because of the low priority thread is not scheduled to release the lock
1.4 Thread not Releasing a lock (Kill Tolerance)
- Thread dies, gets interrupted or forget to release a lock
- Leaves all thread hanging forever
- Unrecoverable, Just like a deadlock
- To avoid, developers need to write more complex code
1.5 Performance
- Performance overhead in having contention over a lock
- Thread A acquires a lock
- Thread B tries to acquire a lock and gets blocked
- Thread B is scheduled out (context switch)
- Thread B is scheduled back (context switch)
- Additional overhead may not be noticeable for most applications
- But for latency-sensitive applications, this overhead can be significant
1.6 Why did we need locks?
- Multiple threads accessing shared resources
- At least one thread is modifying the shared resources
- Operations are not atomic
- A single Java operation turns into one or more hardware operations
- Example: counter++ turns into 3 hardware instructions:
- Read count
- Calculate new value
- Store a new value to count
2. Description
2.1 Lock Free solution
2.1.1 Breakdown
- Utilize operations which are guaranteed to be one hardware operation
- A single hardware operation is
- Atomic by definition
- Thread-safe
2.1.2 Atomic instructions
- Read/Assignment on all primitive types except for long and double
- Read/Assignment on all references
- Read/Assignment on volatile long and double
2.1.3 Avoiding Data Races
- Read/Assignment on all volatile primitive types and references
2.1.4 AtomicX Classes
- Class located in the java.util.concurrent.atomic package
- Internally uses the Unsafe Class which provides access to a low level, native methods
- Utilize platform-specific implementation of atomic operations
Atomic packages available in Java 10 3. Example
3.1 Stack
3.1.1 With synchronized keyword
public static class StandardStack<T> { private StackNode<T> head; private int counter = 0; public synchronized void push(T value) { StackNode<T> newHead = new StackNode<>(value); newHead.next = head; head = newHead; counter++; } public synchronized T pop() { if(head == null) { counter++; return null; } T value = head.value; head = head.next; // previous head is garbage collected automatically by GC counter++; return value; } public int getCounter() {return counter;} } private static class StackNode<T> { public T value; public StackNode<T> next; public StackNode(T value) { this.value = value; this.next = next; } }
3.1.2 With the atomic package
public static class LockFreeStack<T> { private AtomicReference<StackNode<T>> head = new AtomicReference<StackNode<T>>(); private AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(0); public void push(T value) { StackNode<T> newHeadNode = new StackNode<>(value); while (true) { StackNode<T> currentHeadNode = head.get(); newHeadNode.next = currentHeadNode; if(head.compareAndSet(currentHeadNode, newHeadNode)) { break; } else { LockSupport.parkNanos(1); } } counter.incrementAndGet(); } public T pop() { StackNode<T> currentHeadNode = (StackNode<T>) head.get(); StackNode<T> newHeadNode; while(currentHeadNode != null) { newHeadNode = currentHeadNode.next; if(head.compareAndSet(currentHeadNode, newHeadNode)) { break; } else { LockSupport.parkNanos(1); currentHeadNode = (StackNode<T>) head.get(); } } counter.incrementAndGet(); return currentHeadNode != null ? currentHeadNode.value : null; } public int getCounter() { return counter.get(); } }
// synchronized 190,568,501 operations were performed in 10 seconds // atomic 743,488,968 operations were performed in 10 seconds
3.2 Arithmetic
3.2.1 Using AtomicReference wrapping primitive
private static class Metric { private static class InternalMetric{ public long count; public long sum; } AtomicReference<InternalMetric> internalMetric = new AtomicReference<>(new InternalMetric()); public void addSample(long sample) { InternalMetric currentState; InternalMetric newState; do { currentState = internalMetric.get(); newState = new InternalMetric(); newState.sum = currentState.sum + sample; newState.count = currentState.count + 1; } while (!internalMetric.compareAndSet(currentState, newState)); } public double getAverage() { InternalMetric newResetState = new InternalMetric(); InternalMetric currentState; double average; do { currentState = internalMetric.get(); average = (double)currentState.sum / currentState.count; } while (!internalMetric.compareAndSet(currentState, newResetState)); return average; } }
4. Reference
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